Get Your Account Registered, Today!

The registration fee for your Account is $756.00**.
    • Registration fee includes two (2) nights hotel stay in New York City at the Belvedere Hotel for your Account Champion.
    • Account’s Masskrugstemmen events listed on the Hofbräu Masskrugstemmen Website.
    • Your Account Champion’s VIP experience in NYC.
      • VIP Welcome Reception
      • Account Champion to ride on the Hofbräu Float during the German-American Steuben Day Parade.
      • Account Champion to compete on stage at the Hofbräu Masskrugstemmen National Competition in Central Park.
Account is responsible for booking and paying for Account Champion’s Air Travel to NYC, if needed. 
** Cost of registration fee is based on one “Account Champion”. If Account elects to send one Male and one Female Champion to NYC, the registration fee will be $1,512. 

One Male Participant


One Female Participant